Monday, February 4, 2013

Tyler DeBruin - Brown County and Town of Greenville

Name: Tyler DeBruin
Major & Minor: Geography and Biology (double major)
UWEC Standing and Expected Graduation Date: Senior, Fall 2012
Interests and Hobbies: Hunting, Spear Fishing, Four Wheeling, Camping

Internship Employer: Brown County Planning and Zoning & Town of Greenville
Length of Employment: Both ~4 months (600 hours each)

Basics : Was your internship paid or unpaid? Did you register for credits? Why or Why not? Did you create the internship or was it advertised? Where did you hear about it?
Both internships were paid internships ($11 per hour). I did not register for credit since I only needed to take Geography 401 the following semester to graduate. Both of my internships were advertised on the Wisconsin Cartographers website.

What were your specific job responsibilities?
At Brown County I created the Brown County and City of Green Bay metro maps (created in paper folded maps). I also updated the online GIS interactive map using legal descriptions for annexations and using aerials to update attributes like railroads, roads, building footprints, etc. I also did dynamic problem shooting when fixing/updating the emergency services map application the police dispatch use. I also worked with zoning of FEMA flood zones and mapping LOMA/LOMR’s. I also did some work with zoning for the Department of Agriculture to zone land in Brown County as farmland preservation zones. Along with this I also did various other jobs that came up.

At Greenville I did a lot of infrastructure work. I mapped out and did connections for sanitary, storm water, and water pipelines/manholes. I also did work with utility, storm water, and building setbacks for the township. A little less than half the time was using a Trimble XH to map out sanitary, storm water, and water utilities when they were missing from the database or if there was new construction. I also made maps for town meetings using Adobe applications.

What do you think gave you to edge to get the internship?
What gave me an edge in getting the internships were the classes that I have taken along with my grades in those classes. The most important factor by far though was my independent study/research I have done. Total I have done 4 independent paid research projects all of which were paid through grants from UWEC (some solo some with other students). Of which I personally wrote 2 of the grant proposals and helped write the others which they like to see as well. This helps to show employers that you are a self-motivated student and also gives you the experience that you need to get the internship. I also went and presented at a conference for one of the projects. I didn't do this personally but you can also get credit for the research you do.

So if there is a single thing I can urge everyone to do is do at least one independent research project with a faculty member at UWEC. Write the grant proposal too if you are able. This gives you a good faculty reference for jobs, gives you experience, can give you course credit, can lead to a conference presentation, and will also give you money to do all of this. There really isn't a downside to it what so ever.

Was it a valuable experience?
I would say it was extremely valuable. I am confident that now when I go into a permanent job I will be prepared and have the experience to excel in the position I obtain.

How did the logistics work for you? Did you have to move?
I actually was able to move back home since both jobs were very close to my hometown. So it worked out very well that I didn’t need to pay for rent during the internships since most do not pay as well as a full time position.

What advice can you give to those who are looking for an internship?
Challenge yourself. The more experience you get through research projects or advance classes can only help you in the long run. Challenge yourself to apply to at least 5 places a week or give yourself some number to meet. Remember that just because a position isn't listed doesn't mean it isn't available. If there aren't any internships listed do some cold calls, because you never know what you might run into. If you can’t find an internship try to find something that you can do for free for a nonprofit or even try to create a research project that you can do on your own. Anything that can give you that first experience is what will start opening doors for you in the present and future.

Tonya Olson - Internship at Pepin County, WI

Name: Tonya Olson        
Major & Minor: Environmental Geography
UWEC Standing and Expected Graduation Date: Senior, Spring 2013

Interests and Hobbies:
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also enjoy spending time outside playing sports, hiking, camping, and fishing.

Internship Employer: Pepin County (Land Management/Zoning and Land Conservation)
Length of Employment: 3 months (the Tuesday following Memorial Day to the Friday before Labor Day)

Basics : Was your internship paid or unpaid? Did you register for credits? Why or Why not? Did you create the internship or was it advertised? Where did you hear about it?
This was a paid internship (hourly). I did not register for credits because an internship in not required for graduation. I learned about this internship from an email I received from Professor Christina Hupy.

What were your specific job responsibilities?
With this internship came a lot of fun and challenging tasks. The main task for the intern with the Land Management/Zoning office is to do maintenance checks on section corners, in reference to PLSS (Public Land Survey System). This involves printing off tie-sheets from the WI State Cartographers Office with their legal description of the monuments locations and aerial photos in reference to its location. You also get to use a magnetic locator, (more commonly known as a metal detector) as many of the section corner monuments are underground. It’s a lot of fun!  It is also the intern’s responsibility to check the visibility and clearance of GPS corners. This usually involves some weed-whacking.
Working the Land Conservation Department was a lot of fun too. Most days we worked outside. Tasks usually involved working with landowners to help with erosion control on their land, mostly farmers and their fields. We also did a lot of inspection checks of structures that were in the process of being built and ones whose maintenance agreements were soon to be expired. These structures were things like dams, diversions, waterways, and critical area treatments, etc. We did a lot of checks on DNR land and CRP land to check which native and non-native plant species were growing. With them I also had the opportunity to learn how to survey. We also did stream monitoring once a month.
For both departments GIS was a main tool while working in the office. A lot of the projects involved updating maps from the previous year with new information or creating maps for them in GIS that were otherwise just handed out as PDFs at meetings. I had the opportunity to make a map that was used in a court case. That project was a lot of fun, challenging, and a great learning experience.

What do you think gave you to edge to get the internship?
GIS skills were by far the most important skill to bring into that internship.

Was it a valuable experience?
I thought this was an extremely valuable experience!  I learned a lot about land conservation that I would've normally not learned in the classroom. I also learned how to survey which is something I don’t think I would've learned. On top of that I feel that I really honed in on my GIS skills.

How did the logistics work for you? Did you have to move?
Everything worked out great for me. However I live in Mondovi and am used to commuting to school in Eau Claire 5 days a week so going to Durand wasn't a problem at all. I know interns in the past have had to move to Durand for the summer though.

What advice can you give to those who are looking for an internship?
My best advice would be talk to people. I went into Christina’s office the first day of school and told her I was really hoping to get an internship over the summer that was paid and that I wouldn't have to move for and about a month later she sent me email for the position. Talk to your professors, talk to Martin, talk to classmates, and talk to people outside of school who know you well and would be willing to spread the word for you.
Also, do your own research. There are a lot of opportunities out there and if you’re willing to move for the summer you shouldn't have a problem finding something.

Sam Kruger - Internship at City of Janesville

Name: Samuel Krueger
Major & Minor: Environmental Geography
UWEC Standing and Expected Graduation Date: Senior: December 2012
Interests and Hobbies: Unnecessarily competitive yard game tournaments, UWEC intramurals, the Packers, ice fishing, cartography, being active with friends.

Internship Employer: City of Janesville, WI – Community Development Department
Length of Employment: Summer 2012

Basics : Was your internship paid or unpaid? Did you register for credits? Why or Why not? Did you create the internship or was it advertised? Where did you hear about it? The GIS Analyst summer internship in Janesville was a paid internship. I did not register for any credits; however, I did not consider the opportunity, something I would advise future students to definitely take advantage of. The position was advertised through Professor Hupy’s internship email list. I am originally from Oregon WI; 25 minutes north of Janesville so applying for this summer internship was a no brainer for me.

What were your specific job responsibilities?
I was hired at an interesting time in the community development department at City Hall. Surprisingly, the GIS department was extremely small, comprised of just a GIS Coordinator and one GIS Analyst. The former GIS Analyst took another job which allowed me to step in as the temporary number two GIS person. This transition proved to be extremely beneficial as I was able to get my hands on a variety of GIS related projects.

I spent the majority of my time analyzing areas within the Janesville Municipality that were in the greatest need for sidewalk construction. A large portion of the city as well as many surrounding neighborhoods were not equipped with sidewalks, most did not even have plans for future sidewalk construction. A community sidewalk committee had been formed by city council after the 7 year project to build 63 miles of sidewalk had come to a halt. The program was disbanded and restructured due to large community skepticism on proposed construction areas. While some residents saw the benefits of have having a more connected city, opponents to the plan did not want to pay for or maintain the new sidewalks.

One aspect of this project consisted of analyzing seven site suitability variables which were determined by the 12 person community sidewalk committee and also approved by city council members. These variables were heavily debated among council and committee members however a consensus was finally reached. The sidewalk variables were defined as follows; proximity to schools (1/4 & 1/2 mile buffer), proximity to transit bus stops (1/4 & 1/2 mile buffer), proximity to public facilities such as churches, parks, clinics and retail centers (1/4 & 1/2 mile buffer), street class (major arterial, minor arterial, collector), existing sidewalk gaps, housing density (>4 units & <2 units), and pedestrian/automotive accidents. The GIS analysis was performed on each individual sidewalk segment for each city parcel. An index ranking was then applied to sidewalk parcel segments depending on their spatial location to each of the seven variables described above.

The community sidewalk committee was in charge of developing the ranking system. Higher scores were given to sidewalk areas closer to schools, public facilities and transit stops, higher accident risk areas, locations with existing sidewalk gaps, areas adjacent to high density housing and streets classified as high use. For example, sidewalk segments within a 1/4 mile of a school were given a ranking of 20 while areas within a 1/2 mile were given a ranking of 15. Based on the seven criteria, the highest possible ranking was 100. Sidewalk construction is being analyzed by zone with there being 9 different city zones; zones 1 and 2 are referenced in the three buffer analysis maps below. These visual tools directly assisted in the sidewalk committee's analysis and subsequent recommendation on sidewalk construction priority around the city.

After the total rank (out of 100) was calculated for each individual property segment based on the seven criteria, the data was then classified using a natural breaks classification method for five class intervals. The natural breaks method or (Jenks) classification, groups features with similar values while trying to maximize the differences between the means of the five different classes. The final sidewalk committee analysis map is shown below. The committee is now tasked with the difficult decisions of choosing which areas to start construction, what side of the street (if not both) should be constructed, how the project should be financed and what sort of construction time line should be established. In early July, the Janesville City Council ultimately voted to install more than two miles of sidewalk.

By the time we were finished with this project, I was able to get a firm grasp on how policy, procedures and public opinions heavily influenced the course of action within City Hall. This analysis project is just one example of how GIS can be leveraged to address important local community development decisions.

My secondary responsibilities involved updating spatial and attribute inconsistencies within the city’s water and sewer utility network data sets. Performing quality assurance on the GIS utility network layers required the interpretation and comparison of 80 scales to the 2011 aerial photo of Janesville Wisconsin. Asbuilt field inspection books were also referenced as needed. The process of utility QC consisted of panning up and down streets checking both sewer and water utility layers for spatial accuracy as well as populating/updating inaccurate or missing feature attributes. Inaccuracies would then be documented or fixed on the fly. Google Earth street view provided a platform for double checking spatial discrepancies. If a manhole or hydrant was spatially off, I would manually fix the location in the GIS and the accompanying attributes as well. Fixing these discrepancies contributes towards building a more accurate utility network. The goal of this work was to eventually build a complete geometric network within the city of Janesville.

What do you think gave you to edge to get the internship?
Throughout my academic career in Eau Claire, I had created numerous posters powered by ArcMap, GPS and Adobe Illustrator. Before I applied to the Janesville internship, I assembled a collection of my best undergraduate work to be displayed in an online portfolio using Google Blogger, a rather simple but extremely effective blog site. My online portfolio was an incredible resource that allowed me to show the kind of graduate level projects myself and other UWEC geography students are creating.

Throughout the summer, I got to know the city of Janesville GIS coordinator on a more personal level, on my last day he told me straight up why I got the job. Obviously, a solid departmental GPA never hurts; but it was the collection and variety of maps and posters in my online portfolio that really set me apart from other applicants. The student cartography skill set in the UWEC geography department is incredible! Talking about your projects does not do it justice, get those maps/posters online and make sure you can talk about every aspect of them! As for my GIS proficiency, I felt very prepared for the GIS based work this internship required. The professors in the department do an incredible job of preparing you for the working world.
Was it a valuable experience?

Hands down the most valuable job experience I have ever had. Not only did this type of work relate 100% to my major, but it was the most rewarding job I have had yet. The work I was doing was actually being used to facilitate important/controversial city decision within the Janesville community. This internship has also given me insight into how GIS can be leveraged to help solve real life problems, outside of the classroom setting. Using GIS outside of the “cushion” of the Geography department was great for building my confidence as a geographer. If a problem occurred, I was expected to troubleshoot and use help files to find my way out of it. From this internship, I took away a greater understanding of GIS tools, functions and applications.

How did the logistics work for you? Did you have to move?
Luckily, I was able to live at home for the summer and commute to Janesville every day. This was actually a huge factor in my decision making for taking the internship. I was able to gain incredible GIS experience all while living at home and saving cash.

What advice can you give to those who are looking for an internship?

1.)  Start building good relationships with your professors; they could be dynamite references if you first show them you are a hard worker.
2.)  I highly recommend Student-Faculty Research. Based on my interview, employers love to hear about projects besides regular classroom work that you’re going above and beyond for.
3.)    Create an online resume/portfolio where you can showcase your best work. You’re maps will speak for themselves (although you will still need to explain them!) This could be what sets you apart from all the generic resumes, it sure did for me.
4.)    Beginning level GIS internships are not all glamorous, like any job you have to work your way up, be prepared to enter data and watch loading screens. However, getting that first GIS related job under your belt is imperative before you can move on to bigger and better things. You will be surprised how small the GIS world is once you’re in it. GIS professionals know each other, start making good working relationship and they will pay dividends in the future, and NETWORK! Sometimes it’s not all about what you know but who you know!!

Geography Internship Blog Entry Form

Welcome to the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire - Department of Geography and Anthropology's Internship Blog.

The purpose of this blog is to highlight current and recent students who have had internships in the field of Geography. Hopefully, this blog will be a resource for current students who are interested in obtaining an internship.  We hope to highlight students who have internships in a wide variety fields - physical geography, human geography, etc. 

If you are a student who has had an internship and would like to submit to the blog please fill out the entry form below and email it with a picture of yourself to Dr. Christina Hupy 

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Geography Internship Blog Entry Form

Major & Minor:
UWEC Standing and Expected Graduation Date:
Interests and Hobbies:

Internship Employer:
Length of Employment:

Basics : Was your internship paid or unpaid? Did you register for credits? Why or Why not? Did you create the internship or was it advertised? Where did you hear about it? 
What were your specific job responsibilities?

What do you think gave you to edge to get the internship?

Was it a valuable experience?
How did the logistics work for you? Did you have to move?
 What advice can you give to those who are looking for an internship?